
Subliminal results
Subliminal results

subliminal results

Im also gonna be so honest right now, I was not consistent with the subliminals I listened to šŸ˜­ I switched them up like every week, which is probably partially why It took me so damn long to get results.

subliminal results

So if youre not seeing results for a while, just be patient, as soon as your mindset changes to "I CAN change my reality" you will be seeing results left and right. NOW, subliminal tips! I think the best tip I can give is: BE PATIENT!! You might not get results right away, and thats ok! Your brain has been wired to think a certain way your entire life, it could take a while to re-wire it with subliminals! For me it took 1-2 years, for others it may take a month, or a week. I could honestly go on and on about other areas subliminals helped me, so if anyone wants a part 2 of my results, lmk. Men used to literally ignore me or close the door in my face and now they literally JUMP to hold the door open for me, one guy even ran back to hold it for a whole two minutes because he saw me heading towards the school šŸ˜‹ (I was a GOOD ways away lmaoo). Even with simple things like holding the door. Ive also noticed guys staring at me a lot, and Ive been treated MUCH better by men in general. In the first few weeks nor only did I receive a ton of compliments, but I also got asked for my snapchat by a girl and another super gorg girl called me stunning. I literally sat there like šŸ˜¶ because I had never been treated like that before. I distinctly remember on the first day of school people literally crowding around me (I was new to the school district) and gushing about how pretty I was. I noticed a huge shift in the attention I received when I entered high school, which was around the time the subliminals started kicking in. So during my middle school years, I never dated anyone. I did pull a few people who were my friends, but it was because of my personality and not my looks šŸ’€ I was usually that one person who would get asked out as a joke after a guy lost oreo.

subliminal results

I also used to be the most b*tchless person ever. Im not quite finished with my appearance yet, but Im happy with where im at, and I imagine in a year at most, Ill be finally content with the way I look. Ive noticed a huge change in my physical appearance (clear skin, a slimmer face, smaller nose, hourglass bod, bigger eyes and plumper lips) and now when I look in a mirror instead of breaking down sobbing, I can check myself out like "damn I look cute šŸ¤­".

subliminal results

Then I started listening to subliminals, and LET ME TELL YOU, I GLEW UP. I felt sick looking into mirrors and had daily mental breakdowns about my appearance. Not saying these are ugly features to have, they just looked bad on me. Only a year ago, I was ugly ( I literally got told that straight to my face) in the unnoticeable kind of way, and on the chubbier side with horrible acne, a huge face and nose, small eyes and paper thin lips. Listen to music native to your culture.So ive been thinking recently about my subliminal journey and its only just now hit me how different things are. (This next one can be beneficial in a number of ways) Try avoiding using ā€œulzzangsā€ for your aesthetic. Follow more influencers, celebrities, and models that are similar to you. You can change your ā€œvirtual surroundingsā€. I think itā€™s safe to assume you all donā€™t live in a neighborhood with tons of pretty ulzzangs, but you are bombarded by them online and even in this community. After moving and being surrounded by people like me, I definitely learned to love my race and ethnicity.


I was surrounded by light skin and straight hair and I longed to look like them. While I was lucky enough to have not experienced racism during those years, I was surrounded by people who looked nothing like me. subliminal results i got results from this subliminal and i'm literally -i manifested a record player after listening to this subliminal for TWO HOURS i listened to it while i was visualizing etc and THE NEXT DAY my mom bought me a super cute pink record player and i FREAKED OUT.


When I was young I used to despise my dark skin and curly hair. I AM BAAAAACKbenefits:- full results- fully visible results- full physical results- full results from everything you intend to manifest- full results from ev. Iā€™ve seen a few people say that they feel disconnected to their race/ethnicity and, to that I say form a connection! All culture is equally beautiful, you just need to learn to appreciate it.

Subliminal results